Safe with Sandown Bay
One is bigger than Two!
After months of negotiations and administrative red tape we are pleased to announce the good news!
Brian vd Merwe has purchased Sandown Bay Security – Safe Security Kleinmond and Sandown Bay Security CC will be merged into a new entity under the name Sandown Bay Security during August 2017. The operational offices which will include a dedicated Control Room and Technical facility will be located at 44 Main Road while the financial hub will remain at 4 Botriver Road, across from the Spar Centre. This is the culmination of negotiations between Brian and Chris de Vos of Sandown Bay Security CC which goes back to 2008.
Brian is the owner of this new entity and Chris is going to try his hand at”retirement”after initially helping with the merge.
During December 1997 Brian was so impressed with Kleinmond that he purchased a dormant Kleinmond Security Systems CC from Riaan Noordman, an astute businessman who also owned and conducted a business under the name Ocean Electronics.
Ocean Security as the business was known was initially located next to ST Motors in a small office and the alarms were monitored by Wayne & Dougie Kruger from Coastal Security in Pringlebay.
In April 1999 Brian was invited to close a deal with Safe Security in Hermanus whereby the monitoring of clients would be done by Safe Security Hermanus at a relatively sophisticated Control Room and he could market his services under the Safe Security banner. Safe Security Kleinmond successfully expanded locally and moved to larger offices across from ST Motors. Safe Security comprised Hermanus , Kleinmond, Gansbaai and Somerset West entities with a common Control Room located in Hermanus and grew to become the largest privately owned Security entity in the Overberg with more than 6000 clients on their base.
The concept was satisfactory, but the archilles heel for Brian was that he was not in control of his client information stream – his destiny was in the hands of Safe Security.
Chris de Vos established Sandown Bay Security during 2000.
The concept of full reporting alarm systems by means of radio signals had not been proved at that time and he introduced the first networked system in the region supported by FSK electronics in Johannesburg. The idea of being able to identify specific identified security zones and authorised user/key-holders was initially scoffed at. This was the beginning of the end of the two motion detector alarm system.
Information is key to efficiencies and effectiveness in the security industry and Sandown Bay Security lead the way and capitalised on all the benefits – customer & incursion identification, specific key information and resource management. Initially 252 encrypted information codes could be interpreted in the SBS Control Room. With the latest hardware and software upgrades the new Sandown Bay Security will be able to interpret 999 encrypted codes from a secured premises
Our new website is up and running, you can upload the documentation from there and keep up to date with news and security developments in our area or email us at
We look forward to this new phase in our lives and would appreciate any feedback to improve our service – and we ask for your patience while we are getting everything streamlined!
“Be Safe with Sandown Bay”
Brian vd Merwe
Een is groter as Twee!
Na maande van onderhandelings en administratiewe werk is ons verheug om die goeie nuus bekend te maak!Brian van der Merwe het Sandown Bay Sekuriteit gekoop en Safe Sekuriteit- Kleinmond en Sandown Bay Sekuriteit BK sal saamsmelt en ‘n nuwe entiteit vorm, naamlik: Sandown Bay Sekuriteit
Dit sal in Augustus 2017 geskied. Die operasionele kantore, wat ‘n doelontwerpte beheerkamer en tegniese afdeling insluit, sal in Hoofweg 44 geleë wees, terwyl die finansiële kern by Botrivierweg 4, regoor Spar, gesetel bly. Dit is die eindresultaat van die onderhandellings tussen Brian van der Merwe en Chris de Vos van Sandown Bay Sekuriteit BK, wat tot 2008 teruggevoer kan word.
Brian is die eienaar van hierdie onderneming en Chris gaan bietjie die “Aftree ding” doen, hy sal nog vir ‘n tydjie aanbly om te help met die integrasie.
Brian was in Desember 1997 só beïndruk deur Kleinmond dat hy die onaktiewe Kleinmond Sekuriteit Stelsels BK van Riaan Noordman gekoop het. Mnr Noordman, ‘n ervare sakeman, het ook sake gedoen as Ocean Electronics. Ocean Security, soos die onderneming bekend was, was in daardie tyd langs ST Motors in ‘n klein kantoortjie. Die alarmseine is deur Wayne en Dougie Kruger van Coastal Security in Pringlebaai verwerk in ‘n klein beheerkamertjie in hulle huis.
In April 1999 is Brian genooi om ‘n transaksie met Safe Sekuriteit – Hermanus te sluit sodat die monitering van alarms by die relatief gesofistikeerde beheerkamer van Safe Sekuriteit in Hermanus kon geskied. Hy was gevolglik geregtig om sy dienste onder die handelsnaam van Safe Sekuriteit te bemark. Safe Sekuriteit – Kleinmond het plaaslik suksesvol gegroei en het na groter kantore oorkant ST Motors getrek. Die maatskappy Safe Sekuriteit was op daardie stadium aktief in Hermanus, Kleinmond, Gansbaai en Somerset Wes met ‘n gemene beheerkamer in Hermanus. Dit het gegroei tot die grootste sekuriteitsmaatskappy in private besit in die Overberg, met meer as 6000 kliënte. Brian het egter gevoel dat hy graag self in beheer van sy eie kliënte-inligtingstroom wou bly, maar sy toekoms was nog steeds onder die beheer van Safe Sekuriteit.
Chris de Vos het Sandown Bay Security in 2000 geskep, toe die volle rapportering van sekuriteitstels per radioseine nog nie as doeltreffend bewys is nie. Hy het toe die eerste netwerkstelsel in die streek met die hulp van FSK Electronics (Johannesburg), geskep. Die idee om geïdentifiseerde netwerksones aan spesifieke, gemagtigde gebruikers/sleutelhouers te koppel, is aanvanklik uitgelag, maar dit was die begin van die einde vir outydse, eenvoudige alarmstelsels. Informasie is die basis van doeltreffende werkverrigting in die sekuriteitsbedryf. Sandown Bay Sekuriteit het die pad aangewys en al die voordele benut: kliënt- en betreder-identifikasie, spesifieke sleutelinligting en die bestuur van hulpmiddele. Aanvanklik kon die Sandown Bay Beheerkamer 252 gekodeerde inligtingskodes hanteer. Met die huidige, gevorderde rekenaarvermoë kan Sandown Bay Sekuriteit tot 999 kodes van ‘n gemoniteerde perseel interpreteer.
Ons nuwe webwerf is reeds aktief. U kan dokumente daar aflaai en op die hoogte bly van nuus en sekuriteitsontwikkelinge in ons gebied, of u kan ons per e-pos by kontak. Ons sien uit na hierdie nuwe fase in ons lewens en sal terugvoering met die oog op die verbetering van ons diens waardeer. Gebruik intussen ‘n bietjie geduld totdat alles seepglad verloop!
“Be Safe with Sandown Bay”